However, we do not condone any illegal activities such as dog fighting, nor animal cruelty. Please research and make sure that you are adhering to animal laws and regulations within your state before trying to purchase from our kennel. Do not contact TEAM ADAMS to discuss any illegal activities even if it’s from the past. Our dogs are for catching hogs, weight pull, and conformation shows. MOST IMPORTANTLY, our dogs are human friendly, and we treat each and every one of them as family members. They require a lot of love and attention.
When a puppy is purchased from us, we require a buyer/seller purchase agreement form. If you send a deposit, the puppy has to be paid off before or by eight weeks. No refunds unless unforeseen circumstances occur at the fault of TEAM ADAMS. Your deposit or payment can be used towards the purchase of another puppy. We prefer selling to individuals that have knowledge and experience in dealing with APBT. We expect you to be able to properly feed, shelter, and maintain a healthy happy animal!
Team Adams Kennels breeds American Pit Bull Terriers for conformation, weight pulling, high-jump and agility and treadmill racing. Our dogs are also great companions with exceptional behavior. Some of our dogs have proven to be therapy and service dogs.
We believe in the American Pit Bull Terrier in its true form that meets a standard of excellence. We will only offer to sell our dogs to those who will provide a living environment conducive to a long, natural, and fulfilled life for these dogs, in the context of social responsibility. If you are not ready to give a dog a long healthy fulfilled life, then please do us a favor and go somewhere else.
We will not knowingly violate any local, state, or federal law(s), nor do we sell dogs for illegal purposes.